Configuring the theme
The theme generation depends on the ComponentDir
property in the
file. The plugin has been tested on macOS and Windows. If you
encounter any issues, please create a Github issue or shoot me an email copying the error logs.
Your feedback helps improve the plugin setup experience.
Run this command to generate the theme after configuring properties.
./gradlew lumo --setup
It will generate, Theme.kt
, Colors.kt
, Typography.kt
, and foundation
- Theme.kt
- Colors.kt
- Typography.kt
The generated theme implementation shown below is a simplified example.
object AppTheme {
val colors: Colors
@ReadOnlyComposable @Composable get() = LocalColors.current
val typography: Typography
@ReadOnlyComposable @Composable get() = LocalTypography.current
fun AppTheme(
isDarkTheme: Boolean = isSystemInDarkTheme(),
content: @Composable () -> Unit,
) {
val colors = if (isDarkTheme) DarkColors else LightColors
LocalColors provides colors,
LocalTypography provides typography,
LocalIndication provides rippleIndication,
LocalTextSelectionColors provides selectionColors,
LocalContentColor provides colors.contentColorFor(colors.background),
LocalTextStyle provides typography.body1,
content = content
The Colors
provides a comprehensive structure for managing theme colors in both light and dark modes.
data class Colors(
val primary: Color,
val onPrimary: Color,
val scrim: Color,
val elevation: Color,
internal val LightColors = Colors(
primary = Black,
elevation = Gray700,
internal val DarkColors = Colors(
primary = White,
elevation = Gray200,
fun Colors.contentColorFor(backgroundColor: Color): Color {
return when (backgroundColor) {
primary -> onPrimary
else -> Color.Unspecified
Provides a structured way to define text styles such as headings, body text, and labels.
data class Typography(
val h1: TextStyle = TextStyle(
fontFamily = fontFamily,
fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,
fontSize = 24.sp,
val body1: TextStyle = TextStyle(
val label1: TextStyle = TextStyle(
val typography = Typography()
val LocalTypography = staticCompositionLocalOf { typography }
The foundation package provides essential utilities and defaults for theming, such as ripple effects, elevation, button styling, and system bar configurations.